game-console (1)

Nominate a game for the awards.

Nominations close at Midnight of the 19th of January, 2025

*Will open Google Form



Nominate a person or organization whose work and influence in the industry warrants a “Lifetime Achievement” award.

Nominations close on the 5th of February, 2025

*Will open Google Form


  • Nominating a game is free of charge.
  • Only Lithuanian developers or games created by Lithuanian-based companies can be nominated for awards. The game can be developed by cooperating with other countries’ studios, but the Lithuanian studio/developer must be responsible for at least one-third of the game’s production. The game must be released after January 1, 2024, and before December 31, 2024.
  • A game can be nominated even if it has not been fully released (such as Early access, soft launch, public alpha, etc.). But if the game is shortlisted for an award, no matter the outcome, it will no longer be eligible for nomination afterward.
  • Previously released games can have their new platform releases nominated again if those new platform releases occurred during the current Awards eligibility period (January 1st, 2024 – December 31st, 2024). Such release will be eligible to compete in the categories it was not shortlisted in the previous editions of the LT Game Awards.  (Example: the game was previously released for mobile devices and was shortlisted for the best mobile game in the previous awards. In 2024, the developer released a PC version of the game and submitted it for awards. The PC version is now eligible to be shortlisted for all categories except for the best mobile game).
  • Developers of shortlisted games will be invited to attend the award ceremony that will be held in Old Vilnius’ Theater on the 15th of
    March 2025.


  • Originality;
  • Innovation;
  • Creativity;
  • Professionalism;
  • Impact on the industry;
  • Ethics;
  • Commercial success;

If you have any questions about these rules, please email them by mail